The Costs of Fat Camps

For the average weight loss camp, you can expect to pay around $800-1000 per week, although fees can vary and sometimes cost much more. There are various determining factors that dictate the cost.

One determining factor is the facilities the camp includes. For example, a camp that has spa-like facilities and offers massage therapy and personal training will obviously cost much more than a camp containing more traditional type exercise facilities for children. If a camp provides private rooms in a hotel-like atmosphere, it will likely cost more than one with a cabin where several guests share a room.

Another determining factor is the level of care that is given. If the camp specializes in troubled teens and constant one-on-one attention is needed, or if it is a matter of certain health issues and challenges, that will certainly increase the cost since the camp must hire trained staff to care for your child’s needs and assume any associated risks.

The costs of weight loss camps need not scare you away however, since there are many ways to care for the expense. Some people are surprised to learn that certain insurance companies will cover part or all of the fees to go to a weight loss camp. Others without insurance coverage may opt to take advantage of in-house financing provided by the camp, outside loans or even delayed billing. Okay, now that we know about the costs, what are some Requirements for Weight Loss Camp?